Sustainability and nutrition


The Swiss Association of AOP-IGP deals with the following topics on sustainability and nutrition within the frame- work of the agricultural policy 22+ of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG):

  • Increasing the proportion of grassland forage from the area of origin in the feeding of cattle by participa- ting in the new program to reduce the use of crude protein in the feeding of roughage-eating livestock
  • Promotion of animal health and welfare through participation in the ethological federal programs RAUS, RAUS+ or BTS for the entire animal production
  • Promotion of a longer service life of cows
  • Limiting the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in plant cultivation
  • Promoting biodiversity, improving soil fertility and taking climate protection measures
  • Increasing the energy efficiency of processing plants and reducing CO2 emissions by applying an
  • “energy model” industry solution in cheese dairies while reducing the CO2 tax levied on fossil fuel con- sumption. For AOP-IGP processing companies, especially in the meat sector, the use of the energy mo- del is being examined accordingly.


A balanced and healthy diet is only possible if animals and plants are healthy. The increasing sensitisation of the population to healthy nutrition also requires all players along the AOP and IGP value chain to create the best pos- sible conditions for a sustainable food industry. The Swiss Association of AOP-IGP is committed to this together with its members.

Products with an AOP or IGP were essential foods for people long before the global nutrition and sustainability debate. Due to the rapidly increasing population growth and the associated change in eating habits, products with a long tradition unfortunately also end up in the food waste container. Food waste is easy to avoid. Follow our checklist of 10 food waste prevention tips.