Appenzeller Pantli IGP

Appenzeller Pantli IGP

Product description

square raw sausage with garlic.



Branch organisations

Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Fleischspezialitäten
Rheinhofstrasse 11, 9465 Salez
Tel. +41 71 552 13 31, Fax +41 71 552 13 49
Web www.appenzeller-fleischspezialitä

Sales Outlets

This product is available throughout Switzerland at all major distributors and specialist shops as well as online on various websites of Appenzeller- and St. Galler Metzgereien.

Geographical Region

The cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and St.Gallen are the production areas. Birth, fattening, slaughter and cutting of pigs and cattle are carried out exclusively in Switzerland.


The well-cooled or frozen meat is enriched and processed with salt, garlic, pepper, spices and individually with wine. The mixture is crushed upon request, the granulation is visible. The mixture is filled in beef gut, fibre or collagen casings and pressed for 3 to 10 days to give it its typical shape. The raw sausages are then hung and air-dried. During the drying process, some smoke (max. 40° C) can be added again and again. For smoke production, untreated wood is used in various forms. Drying reduces the weight by approx. 30 to 40 %.


According to an old master butcher born in 1933, there are photos of a Pantlis from a trade exhibition that took place at the end of the 19th century. In the Swiss sausage book "Alles ist Wurst", another butcher tells about his grandfather, who began to produce the Appenzeller Pantli in 1896. An edition of the Zürcher Tagblatt from 1892 praises the Appenzell Pantli as an "Appenzell Landjäger (spicy smoked sausage)".